Source code for evomap.metrics

Useful functions to evaluate maps.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist, cdist, cosine
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

[docs]def misalign_score(X_t, normalize = True): """ Calculate misalignment of a sequence of maps. Misaligned is measured as the average Euclidean distance between objects' subsequent map positions. The final score is averaged across all objects. Parameters ---------- Ys : list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples, d) Map coordinates. normalize : bool, optional If true, misalignment is normalized by the average interobject distance on the map. Useful for comparing maps across differently scaled coordinate systems, by default True. Returns ------- float Misalignment score, bounded within [0, inf). Lower values indicate better alignment. """ n_samples = X_t[0].shape[0] misalignment = np.zeros(n_samples) n_periods = len(X_t) for t in range(1, n_periods): X_this = X_t[t] X_prev = X_t[t-1] D = cdist(X_this, X_prev) misalignment_t = np.diag(D) if normalize: misalignment_t = misalignment_t / np.mean(cdist(X_prev, X_prev)) misalignment += misalignment_t misalignment /= (n_periods-1) return misalignment.mean()
[docs]def align_score(X_t): """ Calculate alignment of a sequence of maps. Alignment is measured as the mean cosine similarity of objects' subsequent map positions. The final score is averaged across all objects. Parameters ---------- Ys : list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples, d) Map coordinates. Returns ------- float Alignment score, bounded between [-1,1]. Higher values indicate better alignment. """ mean_alignment = 0 n_samples = X_t[0].shape[0] n_periods = len(X_t) for t in range(1, n_periods): X_this = X_t[t] X_prev = X_t[t-1] for i in range(n_samples): mean_alignment += 1 - cosine(X_this[i, :], X_prev[i, :]) mean_alignment /= n_samples mean_alignment /= (n_periods-1) return mean_alignment
[docs]def hitrate_score(X, D, n_neighbors = 10, inc = None, input_format = 'dissimilarity'): """ Calculate Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery for a single map. The score is averaged across all objects. Parameters ---------- D : ndarray Input data, either a similarity / dissimilarity matrix of shape (n_samples, n_samples), or a matrix of feature vectors of shape (n_samples, d_input). X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, d) Map coordinates. n_neighbors : int, optional Number of neighbors considered when calculating the hitrate, by default 10 inc : ndarray of shape (n_samples,), optional Inclusion array, indicating if an object is present (via 0 and 1s), by default None input_format : str, optional One of 'vector', 'similarity', or 'dissimilarity', by default 'dissimilarity' Returns ------- float Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery, bounded within [0,1]. Higher values indicate better recovery. """ hit_rate = 0 n_samples = X.shape[0] if not X.shape[0] == D.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Inconsistent array sizes.') if not input_format in ['similarity', 'dissimilarity', 'vector']: raise ValueError('Input type should be similarity, dissimilarity or vector.') # Need to copy the matrix, else "np.fill_diagonal" will modify the original # one D = D.copy() if input_format == 'vector': # Turn X into a distance matrix D = cdist(D,D) if not inc is None: if np.any(~np.logical_or(inc == 0, inc == 1)): raise ValueError('Inclusions should only be 0 or 1.') if len(inc) != n_samples: raise ValueError('Incosistent array sizes.') X = X[inc==1, :] D = D[inc==1, :][:, inc == 1] Dist_map = squareform(pdist(X, "sqeuclidean")) # Make diagonal (self-dissimilarity) larger than any other dissimilarity # (thereby, an object never appears as its own nearest neighbor) np.fill_diagonal(Dist_map, np.max(Dist_map)+1e8) if input_format == 'dissimilarity' or input_format == 'vector': # X is a dissimilarity matrix # Make diagonal (self-dissimilarity) larger than any other dissimilarity (thereby, an object never appears as its own nearest neighbor) np.fill_diagonal(D, np.max(D)+1e8) for i in range(n_samples): # Sort i-th row of dissimilarity matrix (low-to-high) nn_data = np.argsort(D[i,:])[:n_neighbors] nn_map = np.argsort(Dist_map[i, :])[:n_neighbors] nn_intersec = [id for id in nn_data if id in nn_map] hit_rate += len(nn_intersec) hit_rate = hit_rate / (n_neighbors * n_samples) elif input_format == 'similarity': # X is a similarity matrix # For similarities, make diagonal (= self similarities) smaller than any other similarity (see above) np.fill_diagonal(D, 0) for i in range(n_samples): # Find max similarity (rather than min dissimilarity) nn_data = np.argsort(D[i,:])[-n_neighbors:] nn_map = np.argsort(Dist_map[i, :])[:n_neighbors] nn_intersec = [id for id in nn_data if id in nn_map] hit_rate += len(nn_intersec) hit_rate = hit_rate / (n_neighbors * n_samples) return hit_rate
[docs]def adjusted_hitrate_score(X, D, n_neighbors = 10, inc = None, input_format = 'dissimilarity'): """ Calculate Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery for a single map, adjusted for random agreement. The score is averaged across all objects. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data, either a similarity / dissimilarity matrix of shape (n_samples, n_samples), or a matrix of feature vectors of shape (n_samples, d_input). Y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, d) Map coordinates. n_neighbors : int, optional Number of neighbors considered when calculating the hitrate, by default 10 inc : ndarray of shape (n_samples,), optional Inclusion array, indicating if an object is present (via 0 and 1s), by default None input_format : str, optional One of 'vector', 'similarity', or 'dissimilarity', by default 'dissimilarity' Returns ------- float Adjusted Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery, bounded within [0,1]. Higher values indicate better recovery. """ hitrate = hitrate_score(X = X, D = D, n_neighbors= n_neighbors, inc = inc, input_format=input_format) n_samples = X.shape[0] adj_hitrate = hitrate - n_neighbors / (n_samples -1) return adj_hitrate
[docs]def avg_hitrate_score(X_t, D_t, n_neighbors = 10, inc_t = None, input_format = 'dissimilarity'): """ Calculate average Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery for a sequence of maps. The score is averaged across all maps within the sequence. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays Input data, either in the form of dissimilarity/similarity matrices, each of shape (n_samples, n_samples), or or feature vectors of shape (n_samples, d_input). Ys : list of ndarays, each of shape (n_samples, d) _description_ n_neighbors : int, optional Number of neighbors considered when calculating the hitrate, by default 10 Inc_ts : list of ndarays, each of shape (n_samples,), optional List of inclusion arrays, indicating if an object is present in a given period (via 0 and 1s), by default None input_format : str, optional One of 'vector', 'similarity', or 'distance', by default 'dissimilarity' Returns ------- float Average hitrate, bounded between [0,1]. Higher values indicate better recovery. """ avg_hitrate = 0 n_periods = len(X_t) for t in range(n_periods): if inc_t is None: inc = None else: inc = inc_t[t] avg_hitrate += hitrate_score( X = X_t[t], D = D_t[t], n_neighbors = n_neighbors, inc = inc, input_format = input_format) avg_hitrate /= n_periods return avg_hitrate
[docs]def avg_adjusted_hitrate_score(X_t, D_t, n_neighbors = 10, inc_t = None, input_format = 'dissimilarity'): """ Calculate average Hitrate of nearest neighbor recovery for a sequence of maps, adjusted for random agreement. The score is averaged across all maps within the sequence. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays Input data, either in the form of dissimilarity/similarity matrices, each of shape (n_samples, n_samples), or or feature vectors of shape (n_samples, d_input). Ys : list of ndarays, each of shape (n_samples, d) _description_ n_neighbors : int, optional Number of neighbors considered when calculating the hitrate, by default 10 Inc_ts : list of ndarays, each of shape (n_samples,), optional List of inclusion arrays, indicating if an object is present in a given period (via 0 and 1s), by default None input_format : str, optional One of 'vector', 'similarity', or 'dissimilarity', by default 'dissimilarity' Returns ------- float Average adjusted hitrate, bounded between [0,1]. Higher values indicate better recovery. """ avg_adj_hitrate = 0 n_periods = len(X_t) for t in range(n_periods): if inc_t is None: inc = None else: inc = inc_t[t] avg_adj_hitrate += adjusted_hitrate_score( X = X_t[t], D = D_t[t], n_neighbors = n_neighbors, inc = inc_t, input_format = input_format) avg_adj_hitrate /= n_periods return avg_adj_hitrate
[docs]def persistence_score(X_t): """ Calculate persistence of a sequence of maps as the average Pearson correlation coefficient between objects' subsequent map movements (i.e., the first differences of their map positions). The score is averaged across all objects. Parameters ---------- Ys : list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples, 2) Map coordinates. Returns ------- float Persistence score, bounded within (-1,1). Higher positive values indicate higher persistence. """ if len(X_t) < 3: raise ValueError("Persistence can only be computed for a sequence of at least three maps.") else: # Define labels for easier data manipulation labels = [str(i) for i in range(len(X_t[0]))] df_delta = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['label', 'x', 'y','t']) def calc_diffs(df): """ Caluclate first differences in map positions. Leaves NAs in the first row for each label (at time t = 0). """ df[['x_diff', 'y_diff']] = df[['x', 'y']].diff() df[['x_diff_prev', 'y_diff_prev']] = df[['x_diff', 'y_diff']].shift() return df for t in range(len(X_t)): if X_t[t].shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Persistence metric is only implemented for 2D map coordinates. Will be extended in a future version.") df_delta_t = pd.DataFrame() df_delta_t['label'] = labels df_delta_t['x'] = X_t[t][:,0] df_delta_t['y'] = X_t[t][:,1] df_delta_t['t'] = t df_delta = pd.concat([df_delta, df_delta_t], axis = 0, sort = True) df_delta.index = range(len(df_delta)) df_delta = df_delta.groupby('label').apply(calc_diffs) # Drop NAs in first period where no differences can be calculated df_delta = df_delta.dropna(axis = 0, subset = ['x_diff_prev', 'y_diff_prev']) if np.sum((df_delta['x_diff_prev'] - df_delta['x_diff'])**2) <= 1e-12: print("Warning: Map positions completly static, thus Persistence cannot be calculated!") return np.nan else: x_corr = pearsonr(df_delta['x_diff_prev'] , df_delta['x_diff'])[0] y_corr = pearsonr(df_delta['y_diff_prev'] , df_delta['y_diff'])[0] return ((x_corr+y_corr)/2)