Source code for evomap.transform
Module for transforming lower-dimensional maps post-creation, including alignment and rotation.
from scipy.linalg import orthogonal_procrustes
import numpy as np
def align_maps(Xs, X_ref):
Align a sequence of maps to a reference map using Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis.
Xs : list of ndarray
List of map coordinates, each of shape (n_samples, n_dims)
X_ref : ndarray
Reference map, shape (n_samples, n_dims)
list of ndarray
List of aligned map coordinates, each of shape (n_samples, n_dims)
if not Xs or X_ref.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Input maps and reference map must not be empty.")
for X in Xs:
if X.shape[1] != X_ref.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("All maps must have the same number of dimensions as the reference map.")
return [align_map(X, X_ref) for X in Xs]
def align_map(X, X_ref):
Align a single map to a reference map using Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis.
X : ndarray
Map coordinates, shape (n_samples, n_dims)
X_ref : ndarray
Reference map, shape (n_samples, n_dims)
Aligned map, shape (n_samples, n_dims)
if X.size == 0 or X_ref.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Input maps must not be empty.")
if X.shape != X_ref.shape:
raise ValueError("Input map and reference map must have the same shape.")
X_orig = X.copy()
R, _ = orthogonal_procrustes(X_orig, X_ref)
return, R)
def PCA(X, num_components):
Perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
X : ndarray
Data matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features)
num_components : int
Number of principal components to retain
Reduced dimensionality data, shape (n_samples, num_components)
X_meaned = X - np.mean(X, axis=0)
cov_mat = np.cov(X_meaned, rowvar=False)
eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(cov_mat)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(eigen_values)[::-1]
eigenvector_subset = eigen_vectors[:, sorted_indices[:num_components]]
return, eigenvector_subset)
def rotate_map(Y_2D):
Rotate a 2D map to align along the direction of maximum variance using PCA.
Y_2D : ndarray
2D map, shape (n_samples, 2)
Rotated map, shape (n_samples, 2)
return PCA(Y_2D, num_components=2)
def rotate_maps(Y, inclusions):
Rotate multiple maps such that the x-axis corresponds to the direction of maximum variance,
controlled by an inclusion parameter which determines which elements within each map are subject
to rotation.
Y : list of ndarray
List of maps, each map shape (n_samples, n_dims)
inclusions : list of ndarray
List of 0/1 vectors, each vector of length `n_samples` indicating whether the corresponding
element in a map should be included in rotation.
list of ndarray
List of rotated maps, each map shape (n_samples, n_dims)
If the length of any inclusion vector does not match the number of samples in its corresponding map.
if len(Y) != len(inclusions):
raise ValueError("The length of the inclusions list must match the number of maps.")
rotated_maps = []
for map, inclusion in zip(Y, inclusions):
if len(map) != len(inclusion):
raise ValueError("The length of each inclusion vector must match the number of samples in its corresponding map.")
Y_rotated = np.zeros_like(map)
included_indices = (inclusion == 1)
if np.any(included_indices): # Only perform rotation if there are included elements
Y_rotated[included_indices, :] = rotate_map(map[included_indices, :])
return rotated_maps