:py:mod:`evomap.mapping._cmds` ============================== .. py:module:: evomap.mapping._cmds .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Classic (SVD-based) Multidimensional Scaling, as proposed in: Torgerson, W.S. Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and method. Psychometrika 17, 401–419 (1952). Thanks to Francis Song, from whom this implementation has borrowed. Source: http://www.nervouscomputer.com/hfs/cmdscale-in-python/ Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: evomap.mapping._cmds.CMDS .. py:class:: CMDS(n_dims=2) .. py:method:: _cmdscale(D, n_dims) :staticmethod: Classical multidimensional scaling (MDS) :param D: Symmetric distance matrix. :type D: (n, n) array :returns: * **Y** (*(n, p) array*) -- Configuration matrix. Each column represents a dimension. Only the p dimensions corresponding to positive eigenvalues of B are returned. Note that each dimension is only determined up to an overall sign, corresponding to a reflection. * **e** (*(n,) array*) -- Eigenvalues of B. .. py:method:: fit(X) .. py:method:: fit_transform(X)