Source code for evomap.mapping.evomap._core

Core functions shared by all implementations.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
from itertools import product 
from numba import jit

[docs]class EvoMap(): """ EvoMap Interface. Implements default functions shared by all implementation in its child classes. """ def __init__(self, alpha = 0, p = 1, weighting = 'exponential'): self.alpha = alpha self.p = p self.weighting = weighting self.method_str = "" # Overriden by child class
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get model parameters.""" return self.__dict__.items()
[docs] def set_params(self, params): """Set model parameters.""" for key, value in params.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return self
[docs] def _calc_weights(self, Xs): """Calculate object-specific weights, applied to the temporal penalties in EvoMap's cost function. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples, n_samples) Input data (typically, distances matrices). Returns ------- ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, 1) Object specific weights, stacked on top of each other for all periods """ n_samples = Xs[0].shape[0] n_periods = len(Xs) W = np.zeros((n_samples)) for t in range(1, n_periods): delta = Xs[t] - Xs[t-1] delta = np.power(delta, 2) delta = delta.sum(axis = 1) delta = delta.reshape(n_samples) W += delta if np.max(W) > 1e-12: lamb = 1/np.max(W) W = np.exp(-(lamb * W)) else: print("Weights not calculated. Input data might be fully static.") W = np.ones_like(W) W = W.reshape((n_samples, 1)) return W
[docs] def _initialize(self, Xs): """Create initialized positions for EvoMap. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays Input data Returns ------- ndarray of shape(n_samples * n_periods, n_dims) Initialized starting positions. """ n_samples = Xs[0].shape[0] n_periods = len(Xs) if self.init is None: # init = np.random.normal(0,.1,(n_samples, self.n_dims)) # init = np.concatenate([init]*n_periods, axis = 0) init_t = np.zeros((0, self.n_dims)) for t in range(n_periods): init = np.random.normal(0,.1,(n_samples, self.n_dims)) init_t = np.concatenate([init_t, init], axis = 0) else: # Stack list of initialization arrays init_t = np.concatenate(self.init, axis = 0) return init_t
[docs] def _validate_input(self, Xs, inclusions = None): """ Validate input data vis-a-vis model parameters. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays Input data. """ if not type(Xs) is list: raise ValueError('Invalid input data format! Should be a list of equally sized data matrices.') n_periods = len(Xs) for t in range(1,n_periods): if Xs[t].shape != Xs[t-1].shape: raise ValueError('Unequal shaped input data!') n_samples = Xs[0].shape[0] if not inclusions is None: if not type(inclusions) is list: raise ValueError('Invalid format for inclusions! Should be a list of (n_samples,) shaped arrays.') if not len(inclusions) == len(Xs): raise ValueError('Unequal number of inclusion and input data arrays!') for t, inc_array in enumerate(inclusions): if np.any(~np.isin(inc_array,[0,1])): raise ValueError('Inclusion arrays should only contain 0/1 entries!') if len(inc_array) != Xs[t].shape[0]: raise ValueError('Inclusion array at period {0} does not match size of input data!'.format(t)) if not self.init is None: if not type(self.init) is list: raise ValueError('Invalid input type for init! Should be list.') for t in range(n_periods): if self.init[t].shape[0] != n_samples or self.init[t].shape[1] != self.n_dims: raise ValueError('Invalid shape for init at time {0}! Should be shaped (n_samples, n_dims), but has shape {1}'.format(t, self.init[t].shape))
[docs] @staticmethod def _calc_static_cost( Xs, Y_all_periods, static_cost_function, inclusions = None, args = None, kwargs = None, static_cost_kwargs = None): """ Calculate total static cost, i.e. sum over all static cost values across all periods. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays, containing the input data Sequence of input data (typically, distance matrices) Y_all_periods : ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, n_dims) Map positions estimated by EvoMap static_cost_function : callable Static cost function inclusions: list of np.arrays of shape (n_samples) Sequence of 0/1 arrays indicating if an object is included in the estimation args : list, optional Additional arguments passed to the static cost function, by default None kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed to the static cost function, by default None Returns ------- float Total static cost """ if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} cost = 0 n_periods = len(Xs) n_samples = Xs[0].shape[0] kwargs.update({'compute_grad': False, 'compute_error': True}) cost_ts = [] for t in range(n_periods): Y_t = _get_positions_for_period(Y_all_periods, n_samples, t) if not inclusions is None: Y_t = Y_t[inclusions[t] == 1, :] X_t = Xs[t][inclusions[t] == 1, :][:, inclusions[t] == 1] else: X_t = Xs[t] if static_cost_kwargs is None: static_cost_kwargs = {} cost_t, _ = static_cost_function(Y_t, X_t, *args, **kwargs, **static_cost_kwargs) cost += cost_t cost_ts.append(cost_t) return cost, cost_ts
[docs] def fit(self, Xs, inclusions = None): # Placeholder, needs to overridden by child class. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fit_transform(self, Xs, inclusions = None): # Placeholder, needs to overriden by child class. raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def _evomap_cost_function( Y_all_periods, Ds, static_cost_function, weights, alpha, p, inclusions = None, compute_error = True, compute_grad = True, static_cost_kwargs = None, args = None, kwargs = None): """ EvoMap's cost function for a given static cost function. Parameters ---------- Y_all_periods : ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, n_dims) Map coordinates for all periods, stacked on top of each other. Ds : list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples,n_samples) Sequence of input data (typically, distances matrices). static_cost_function : callable Static cost function. Needs to return the cost function value and the gradient. Can take additional args / kwargs. The first two arguments should be the map coordinates Y and the input data D. weights : ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, 1) Object specific weights. alpha : float Hyperparamter alpha, controlling the strength of alignment. p : int Hyperparameter p, controlling the degree of smoothing. inclusions: list of n_period np.arrays of shape (n_samples) Sequence of inclusion arrays, each containing (n_samples) 0/1 entries indicating if an object should be included in the estimation compute_error : bool, optional True if cost function value should be computed, by default True compute_grad : bool, optional True if gradient should be computed, by default True args : list, optional Additional arguments passed to the static cost function, by default None kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed to the static cost function, by default None Returns ------- float Cost function value ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, n_dims) Gradient """ if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} n_periods = len(Ds) n_samples = Ds[0].shape[0] n_dims = Y_all_periods.shape[1] # for t in range(n_periods): # Y_t = Y_all_periods[(t*n_samples):((t+1)*n_samples), :] if compute_error: # Add all static cost values cost = 0 kwargs.update({'compute_grad': False, 'compute_error': True}) for t in range(n_periods): Y_t = _get_positions_for_period(Y_all_periods, n_samples, t) # If necessary, drop excluded observations before calculating the cost function if not inclusions is None: Y_t = Y_t[inclusions[t] == 1, :] D_t = Ds[t][inclusions[t] == 1, :][:, inclusions[t]==1] else: D_t = Ds[t] if static_cost_kwargs is None: static_cost_kwargs = {} cost_t, _ = static_cost_function(Y_t, D_t, *args, **kwargs, **static_cost_kwargs) cost += cost_t # Calculate temporal cost temp_cost, _ = _evomap_temporal_cost_function( Y_all_periods, n_periods, weights, alpha, p, inclusions, **kwargs) cost += temp_cost else: cost = None if compute_grad: grad = np.zeros_like(Y_all_periods) # Compute all static gradient components kwargs.update({'compute_grad': True, 'compute_error': False}) for t in range(n_periods): Y_t = _get_positions_for_period(Y_all_periods, n_samples, t) # If necessary, drop exluded observations full_grad_t = np.zeros_like(Y_t) if not inclusions is None: Y_t = Y_t[inclusions[t]==1,:] D_t = Ds[t][inclusions[t] == 1,:][:,inclusions[t] == 1] _, grad_t = static_cost_function(Y_t, D_t, *args, **kwargs, **static_cost_kwargs) full_grad_t[inclusions[t]==1, :] = grad_t else: D_t = Ds[t] _, full_grad_t = static_cost_function(Y_t, D_t, *args, **kwargs, **static_cost_kwargs) # Stack gradients for each period below each other grad[(t*n_samples):((t+1)*n_samples), :] = full_grad_t _, temp_grad = _evomap_temporal_cost_function(Y_all_periods, n_periods, weights, alpha, p, inclusions, **kwargs) grad += temp_grad else: grad = None return cost, grad
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def _get_positions_for_period(Y_all_periods, n_samples, period): """Extract map coordinates for period t from the array of all coordinates. Parameters ---------- Y_all_periods : ndarray of shape (n_samples*n_periods, n_dims) All map coordinates, stacked on top of each other. n_samples : int Number of objects period : int Period for which coordinates should be extracted. Returns ------- ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_dims) Map coordinates at focal period """ return Y_all_periods[(period*n_samples):((period+1)*n_samples), :]
[docs]@jit(nopython = True) def _calc_kth_order_dist(Y_all_periods, n_periods, p): """Calculate all kth-order distances (up to order p). Parameters ---------- Y_all_periods : ndarray of shape (n_samples*n_periods, n_dims) All map corrdinates, stacked on top of each other. n_periods : int Number of periods p : int Highest order of distances that should be computed. Returns ------- list List of ndarrays, each of shape (n_samples * n_periods, n_dims), containing the kth order distances at index k. """ kth_order_dists = [] n_samples = int(Y_all_periods.shape[0] / n_periods) for k in range(p+1): if k == 0: kth_dist = Y_all_periods else: kth_dist = np.zeros_like(Y_all_periods) for t in range(k, n_periods): kdist_prev = _get_positions_for_period(kth_order_dists[k-1], n_samples, t-1) kdist_this = _get_positions_for_period(kth_order_dists[k-1], n_samples, t) kth_dist[(t*n_samples):((t+1)*n_samples),:] = kdist_this - kdist_prev kth_order_dists.append(kth_dist) return kth_order_dists
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def _shift_elements(vector): """Shift all elements in a vector by one (first element becomes zero). Parameters ---------- vector : ndarray Input vector Returns ------- ndarray Vector with all elements shifted by one index (row) """ last_element = 0 new_vector = np.zeros_like(vector) for i in range(len(vector)): new_vector[i] = last_element last_element = vector[i] return new_vector
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def _calc_kth_order_dist_grad(n_periods, p): """Calculate the gradients of all kth-order distances, up to order p. Parameters ---------- n_periods : int Number of periods. p : int Highest order of distances. Returns ------- list of ndarrays, each of shape (n_periods, n_dims) Gradients of kth-order distances at index k. """ partial_delta_k = [] for k in range(p+1): # Partial of delta k (for each k) w.r.t. t (for each t) partial_delta_k.append(np.zeros(n_periods)) for k in range(1,p+1): if k == 1: partial_delta_k[k][0] = 1 # partial of 1st Order Distance w.r.t (t) partial_delta_k[k][1] = -1 # partial of 1st Order distance w.r.t. (t+1) else: partial_delta_k[k] = partial_delta_k[k-1] - _shift_elements(partial_delta_k[k-1]) return partial_delta_k
[docs]def _evomap_temporal_cost_function( Y_all_periods, n_periods, weights, alpha, p, inclusions = None, compute_error = True, compute_grad = True): """ Calculate temporal component of EvoMap's cost function. Parameters ---------- Y_all_periods : ndarray of shape (n_samples*n_periods, n_dims) Map coordinates for all periods, stacked on top of each other. n_periods : int Number of periods. weights : ndarray of shape (n_samples, 1) Object-specific weights. alpha : float Hyperparameter alpha, controlling the strength of alignment. p : int Hyperparameter p, controlling the degree of smoothing. inclusions: list of n_periods np.arrays of shape (n_samples) Sequence of arrays with 0/1 entries indicating if an object should be included in the estimation compute_error : bool, optional True, if cost function value should be computed, by default True compute_grad : bool, optional Ture, if gradient should be computed, by default True Returns ------- float Cost function value ndarray of shape (n_samples * n_periods, n_dims) Gradient """ n_samples = int(Y_all_periods.shape[0] / n_periods) n_dims = Y_all_periods.shape[1] kth_order_dists = _calc_kth_order_dist(Y_all_periods, n_periods, p) if compute_error: error = 0 for k in range(1, p+1): for t in range(k, n_periods): dist_kt = _get_positions_for_period(kth_order_dists[k], n_samples, t) if not inclusions is None: inc_tk = inclusions[t].copy() # check if object was present in time t and k preceding periods for z in range(t,t-k-1,-1): inc_tk *= inclusions[z] dist_kt[inc_tk == 0,:] = 0 dist_kt = dist_kt * weights error += alpha * np.sum(np.linalg.norm(dist_kt, axis = 1)**2) else: error = None if compute_grad: grad = np.zeros_like(Y_all_periods) partial_delta_k = _calc_kth_order_dist_grad(n_periods, p) for t in range(n_periods): dyn_grad = np.zeros((n_samples, n_dims)) for k in range(1,p+1): # Skip k = 0, since all partials are zero for tau in range(p+1): if (t+tau) < n_periods: dyn_grad += 2 * partial_delta_k[k][tau] * _get_positions_for_period(kth_order_dists[k], n_samples, t+tau) if not inclusions is None: dyn_grad[inclusions[t+tau] == 0,:] = 0 grad[(t*n_samples):((t+1)*n_samples), :] = dyn_grad * weights grad = alpha * grad else: grad = None return error, grad